has been a lot of chatter about this question by those who support ratification
of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) by the Senate this fall and those
who oppose it. Neither side, however, has made its case clearly. Perhaps, in
part, because this topic is hard to cover in a 30 second sound bite.
opposition says the U.S. ratifying the CRPD will have no impact on
accessibility for Americans going overseas. The proponents of ratification say
that the U.S. ratifying the treaty will lead to more accessibility for
Americans with disabilities vacationing, studying, or working abroad. Both
sides could be correct in their assertions. It depends on the time frame you assume. It depends on whether you believe in the power of political leverage
among countries.
treaty is an agreement between or among countries. The CRPD describes what
countries must do. The WHAT in the CRPD – countries that ratify it agree not to
discriminate on the basis of disability. The CRPD allows flexibility on HOW a country
chooses to demonstrate it does not discriminate on the basis of disability. The
HOW has taken and will take many different forms, but most countries comply
with the CRPD through laws. Some countries, like the U.S., have done what is
required. Other countries have a way to go.
A treaty means that parties to it, that is, countries that ratify it, agree to
follow the same standards. If country A and country B ratify the treaty, either
can put pressure on the other to get moving! Both could join forces to urge
other countries to ratify the treaty. However, if one country has ratified the
treaty and one has not (like the U.S.), the country that has not, has no political clout in
international circles to urge other countries to do anything. With ratification
a country’s political capital goes way up. It can comment, formally complain,
and take other measures, such as offer technical assistance, to push other
countries in the right direction.
is covered in the CRPD. If the U.S. were to ratify the CRPD, when Americans with disabilities
go to another country that has ratified the CRPD, they could expect accessibility
as they move about and communicate within that country. If they encounter
barriers, they could tell our government and our government could raise the
barriers with the government of that country. Accessibility will improve
everywhere overtime in countries that have ratified the treaty, because
one-by-one and in groups barriers will be made known and resolved in the spirit
of cooperation and in the name of doing business.
of ratification are right about one thing. Worldwide accessibility will not
happen as the result of Senate ratification. It will take time. Senate ratification
of the CRPD is a spark. Worldwide implementation will take hard work,
patience, cooperation, collaboration, and good will. The world could use a dose
of these things.