Those of us in the disability rights community know we must create the right time to make something happen that is important to us. We know when we create momentum magical things happen.
We are fast approaching the holiday season. Everyone, including us, is focused on things other than the CRPD. But, if we care about disability rights and a future with expanding opportunities to help and learn from others with disabilities around the world, we must spend 5 minutes to let Senators Menendez and Corker know we expect a mark up on the CRPD and a full Senate vote before the Senate recesses for the holidays.
In January 2014 the Senate will once again be consumed by budget and debt ceiling issues, and another possible government shutdown. We all remember how October 2013 was a month lost for us when these issues consumed lawmakers. In addition, in January 2014 the campaigning will begin for the fall elections -- all House members face elections and one third of Senators. What is left in December 2013 is a narrow window to become a priority and succeed in reaching ratification. That means 5 minutes a day each of us needs to communicate with Senators and say this -- Ratification of the CRPD resolution must happen now. If not, when?
Thank you.
Common Grounder