A non-partisan group, respectabilityusa.com, contracted two
polling firms, one Democrat (Greenberg Quilan Rosner Research) and one
Republican (North Star Opinion Research) to survey 1,000 likely 2014 voters
about disability issues. The survey was conducted from September 20-24, 2014 in
states considered “Senate battleground states” – Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado,
Georgia, Iowa, Louisiana, Michigan, Montana, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and
West Virginia. If you want to see the results of the full survey on disability
issues go to this link -- http://respectabilityusa.com/Resources/Disability%20Issues%20for%20Voters%20in%20the%20Senate%20Battleground.pdf.
Thirty-one percent said “yes” to the question “Do you, a
family member, or a close friend have a disability?” Wow, that’s almost 1/3 of
the 1,000 surveyed. Here’s another interesting result. When those surveyed were
divided into two groups – under 50 years of age and over 50 years of age and asked -- “Do you, a family member, or close friend have a disability,” the percentage
was 60 percent for those under 50
and 55 percent for those over 50. When these 1,000 voters were divided
politically, 56 percent of Democrats, 58 percent of Independents, and 56
percent of Republicans answered “yes” to the question -- “Do you, a family
member, or a close friend have a disability?” So disability is equally
represented among all three political persuasions.
The survey question that stood out for me was – “The Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities, also known as the Disability Treaty, is an
international human rights treaty of the United Nations modeled after the
Americans with Disabilities Act. This Treaty encourages the adoption of laws
around the world that promote accessibility, equal opportunities and end abuse
and discrimination of people with disabilities. The Treaty will not change
existing U.S. law or add additional costs to its budget. Do you favor or oppose
the U.S. Senate ratifying this treaty?”
The answers were energizing:
83 percent of Democrats, 61 percent of Independents, and 50 percent of
Republicans surveyed favored Senate ratification of the CRPD.
Please share these results
far and wide, but especially with Senators and their staff. This poll has
meaning. For a Senator in a tight race, it means that paying attention to and
being willing to commit to supporting and voting in favor of disability issues,
such as ratification of the CRPD, could mean the difference between winning or
losing the November election. This poll, perhaps the first of its kind, is
nationally representative, has a 95 percent confidence level, and a 3.10 margin
of error. Its implications should not be dismissed or ignored by any candidate
that wishes to serve in the Senate in January 2015.
Thank you.
Common Grounder