This is my 70th blog post. When I started last August,
August 9th to be specific, I thought perhaps I had six posts in me. Your
willingness to read these posts has kept me going. With your support, I will
continue until the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)
is ratified. But I’ll warn you this particular one is a LONG one.
Interest in the CRPD ebbs and flows. I accept that. However, once momentum slows down, it takes tremendous
effort to get things going again. The statistics for this blog and for the community Facebook page, RatifyCRPD, indicate that
momentum has leveled off, and is starting to drop.
I have said many times that ratification is up to us. That
hasn’t changed. But of course, in order to sustain and build momentum we need
feedback from the Senate. Other than Senator Harkin, who is an outspoken
champion for ratification, and has asked us to give him our stories of about
what the CRPD means to us, we have heard little from the Senate. Senator
Menendez, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has not
shared any substantive information about progress with us, only reiterating his unwavering support for the treaty, when he received an award from the MS Society earlier
this spring.
I have heard two points to explain the status quo on
ratification. First, there are quiet conversations going on between and among
senators and the possibility of obtaining additional support for ratification
is in the cards. (My count is that we have 61 votes for ratification and we
need 6 more.) Second, this is
related to the first, everyone needs to keep a low profile in order to not stir
up the opposition to ratification.
Those who support ratification of the CRPD have been asked
over and over to contact their senators and urge their support for
Occasionally in the last few months we have had big splash
events -- one day or one way to reach senators and urge their support for
ratification. After such events attention dies down. These events are linear in
nature and don't seem to generate a lasting impact in the
Senate. Perhaps we could try something multidimensional that requires
sustained effort from everyone.
A Hungarian author, Frigyes Karinthy, is credited with coming up with the idea of six degrees of separation. According to Wikipedia,
“Six degrees of separation is the theory that everyone and everything is six or
fewer steps away, by way of introduction, from any other person in the world,
so that a chain of ‘a friend of a friend’ statements can be made to connect any
two people in a maximum of six steps.”
Well, I propose that we use a slightly modified version of
this theory to build sustained momentum and increase investment of people in
securing ratification of the CRPD. Our targets should be people who can get the
ear of Senators who could contribute the six votes we need for
ratification. The three categories of people we need to reach are:
who have had a working relationship with Senators
who have not taken a position on ratification
who know Senators who have not taken a
position on ratification
company representatives from companies who have headquarters in states of Senators who have not taken a position on
Each of us could set out to connect with an individual in one
of these three groups (i.e., a Senator, a veteran, or company person who knows
a Senator who has not taken a position on the CRPD) and once we connect, ask
the individual to urge his or her friend, the Senator, to support ratification.
No Senator ignores the advice from a colleague with whom he
or she has worked successfully. No Senator dismisses a veteran, a veteran he or
she has helped, come to know, or has spoken of in a speech, press release, or
home-state newspaper story. No Senator blows off high-level company officials
from a corporation housed in their state. Although it could take up to six
tries (six degrees of separation) to reach a Senator, a veteran, or a corporate
executive who knows a Senator who has not
taken a position on ratification, all we need is the willingness to try.
First we need to make a simple script for ourselves: why we are making contact, why the CRPD
is important, and what we would like the contact to do. There is plenty of
information on this blog, at,
and to make up a script.
Second, set up our contact plan.
Do we know a contact in states such as – Arkansas, Arizona,
Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Missouri, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania,
Tennessee, or Wyoming?
If the answer is yes, before we proceed, it would be good to
do some research on the Senator on whom we plan to focus – on which committees
does he serve, to what caucuses does he belong, on what issues and groups does
he give emphasis on his web site, and on what issues does he talk on video
1. Questions
for our contact in the key state: Does he or she know a Senator with whom Senator ___________ (a Senator who have not taken a position on ratification) works
well? Does the contact know a veteran who knows the Senator? Does the contact know anyone in a big
company in the state? Does that company person know the Senator?
Based on what we learn we would then concentrate on one state, and
one Senator, veteran, or corporate representative who knows the Senator who has not taken a position on
2. Questions
for the contact our contact knows: [Our contact could set up an introduction
for us.] After we “drop” our contact’s name and reason for making contact, we would ask the
person how he or she knows the Senator (a
Senator who have not taken a position on ratification)? If the contact does
not know the Senator, doesn’t seem to know the Senator well, or doesn’t want
to help us, we would ask the person if he or she knows someone who does.
3. Questions
for first contact who may know the Senator well (a Senator who have not taken a position on ratification): We would ask – How
do you know the Senator? If not well, could you recommend someone else who may?
Why do you suggest that person?
4. What the
exchange with the second contact, who may know the Senator well, should cover: background
on the CRPD; assessment of person’s willingness to share information with the
Senator; offer of support and further information; and/or getting the contact
information for another person who knows the Senator well.
5. What the
exchange with the third contact, who may know the Senator well, should cover:
background on the CRPD; assessment of person’s willingness to share information
with the Senator; offer of support and further information.
6. What the
exchange with the fourth contact, who may know the Senator well, should cover:
background on the CRPD; assessment of person’s willingness to share information
with the Senator; offer of support and further information.
You get it, I know.
You get it, I know.
It may take only one try to reach someone who would
be willing to reach out to a Senator we have chosen to impact. Nonetheless,
each contact we make is a potential in-state ally. That is good, not a waste of
time. That is why our script is so important – it could persuade people to join
the pro-ratification cause. We have multiple chances to find someone to help
If each of us commits to reaching just one person who knows
a key Senator and who is willing to talk to the Senator about ratification, the
momentum we need to rekindle will blossom and the additional Senate votes we
need will surface.
I know this is a serious investment of time and effort. We
need to make it. We have 86 days till the 24th anniversary of the
ADA. We need to secure ratification of the CRPD by then. So, we should start
this Monday and do what needs to be done.
Thank you.
Common Grounder