On July 10, 2013
Senator Hatch made a statement on the Senate floor that took a lot of us by
surprise – he opposed ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons
with Disabilities (CRPD). He has always been a stronger supporter for and an
influencer of U.S. disability policy. He was one of the first Senators, if not
the first, to have a standing committee of disability experts and advocates
back home in Utah, led for a long time by Dr. Marvin Fifield, which advised him
on disability policy. Senator Hatch had a staff member, Chris Lord, who was
directly involved in much of the major disability legislation, including the
Americans with Disabilities Act. Committee staffers, like me, saw Senator
Hatch, as a smart man who could be counted on to find the words to resolve many
legislative impasses. He was like Smith-Barney (an investment firm) that had as
its tag line – “When Smith-Barney speaks everyone listens.”
Recently there
has been pressure on Senator Hatch to join the pro-CRPD ratification team (http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/opinion/58293709-82/treaty-disabilities-veterans-support.html.csp).
This is for two reasons. First, he understands and has helped draft most
disability law that is on the books. Second, as a legal expert, with extensive
experience on the Senate Judiciary Committee, including as its Chairman in the
past, he knows inside and out how our Constitution, laws, and system of
government work.
Well, he’s given
us another surprise. He had an op-ed piece in the Salt Lake Tribune on August 29, 2014 -- Disabilities treaty would
put U.N. in control of U.S. (http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/opinion/58348861-82/treaty-crpd-disabilities-nations.html.csp).
Senator Hatch
says –
Actions speak louder than words. For more
than 40 years, the United States has led the world in protecting the rights of
persons with disabilities by enacting and implementing laws that set real
standards and help real people. Countries around the world have adopted
legislation modeled after American statutes such as the Americans with
Disabilities Act. We should continue to lead by example.
I agree with
that. Although, it will be increasingly difficult “to lead by example” going
forward if we do not join the CRPD ratification club. One hundred and forty
plus nations, which have ratified the CRPD, aren’t afraid of losing by joining
together to promote disability rights.
Senator Hatch says –
Some advocates are urging… the United
States to go down a different path by ratifying the U.N. Convention on the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities, or CRPD. According to the U.N., nations
that ratify the CRPD are legally bound to implement domestically the treaty’s
"global legal standards" for the "civil, political, economic,
social and cultural spheres." The CRPD creates a committee of
"experts" to interpret the treaty and tell ratifying nations what
they must do to implement its global standards.
Multiple federal departments analyzed the CRPD and U.S. laws and determined that U.S. laws, federal and state laws, are sufficient as they are. In essence, our current domestic laws allow us to meet the standards in the CRPD. This fact is outlined in excruciating detail in the report President Obama sent to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in May, 2012.
Multiple federal departments analyzed the CRPD and U.S. laws and determined that U.S. laws, federal and state laws, are sufficient as they are. In essence, our current domestic laws allow us to meet the standards in the CRPD. This fact is outlined in excruciating detail in the report President Obama sent to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in May, 2012.
As for the U.N.
CRPD Committee, the CRPD resolution that was passed by the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee on July 22, 2014 includes an understanding that flat out
says “…does not consider conclusions, recommendations, or general comments
issued by the Committee [the U.N. CRPD Committee]…to be legally binding on the
United States in any manner.” You can’t get much clearer than that. Senator
Barrasso, a Republican member of the Foreign Relations Committee, proposed this
text, which was approved by the Committee.
So no new laws
are required. No U.N. Committee is going to tell us what to do.
Senator Hatch
says –
Ratifying the CRPD would be a mistake for
three reasons. First, the cost to American sovereignty and self-government
outweighs any benefit to Americans or American national interests. Ratified
treaties are "the supreme law of the land" with the same legal status
as federal statutes and the Constitution. Ratifying the CRPD would endorse an
ongoing role for the U.N. in evaluating and telling us how to conduct virtually
every area of American life.
What Senator
Hatch doesn’t acknowledge is that the CRPD is mostly about outcomes such
as – non-discrimination, freedom, choices, and access and opportunities available to people with
disabilities that are available to people without disabilities. The CRPD leaves
to the nations that ratify it the flexibility to determine how they will
achieve outcomes. Our laws, the ones we have now, will allow us to achieve the
outcomes spelled out in the CRPD. So you could say the CRPD would become the
supreme law of the land with regard to outcomes, but our specific laws would be
how we show we achieve the outcomes. It is not an either-or circumstance or an
override or replacement circumstance as Senator Hatch suggests.
Senator Hatch says –
Senator Hatch says –
In addition, the CRPD’s global standards
would apply to every level of government – federal, state, and local. This
conflicts with the Constitution’s Tenth Amendment which delegates certain
powers to the federal government and reserves the rest to the states.
Washington already imposes too many mandates and obligations on the states; we
should not invite the United Nations to join in.
resolution voted out of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on July 22,
2014, includes a reservation that recognizes and lays out how our federalism
system would respond to the CRPD. Some authority is in the hand of states, some
in the hands of the federal government. Ratifying the CRPD will not undo or
alter this balance of authority. As Senator Hatch knows well, any change in
this balance would require legislation that would need to make it through House
and Senate committees, the two chambers of Congress, and then make it to the
President’s desk. And even then it could be subject to legal challenges and
review by the Supreme Court, which won’t look favorably on challenges to the
balance of power as spelled out in the Constitution. So, the probability of
something like Senator Hatch describes happening is less than .01 percent.
Later in his
opinion piece Senator Hatch says –
Second, the CRPD’s flaws cannot be
corrected by adding caveats or conditions but only by removing some provisions
and fundamentally changing others. The U.S., however, cannot re-negotiate the
treaty’s provisions. The resolution of approval sent to the Senate by the
Foreign Relations Committee, however, does include a list of caveats or
conditions. These say, in effect, that the U.S. will define key terms such as
"disability" the way we want, interpret the CRPD’s provisions the way
we want, and accept only the obligations that we want. Why give the U.N.
authority to say what our laws and practices should be if we plan to do what we
want anyway?
Here too Senator
Hatch fails to acknowledge the powerful and appropriate distinctions between
outcomes and the means to achieve them. At the U.N. in the debate on how or if
to define the term disability, there were hours of discussion about the value
and need to allow nations to define disability through their laws. Here, as
much as anywhere else, the U.N. understood the need to give nations
Senator Hatch
says –
Third, U.S. ratification is not necessary for continued U.S. leadership. In the two years that the CRPD has been before the Senate, 34 nations around the world have ratified it. Treaty supporters say that the treaty is modeled after the ADA and that nations will need help to implement it. The United States enacted the ADA in 1990 and revised it in 2008, years before the CRPD was sent to the Senate. The U.S. Agency for International Development has actively implemented development programs to help people with disabilities around the world for nearly two decades. We have been leading by example and helping other nations develop and implement sound disability policy long before the CRPD existed and will continue doing so without ratifying the treaty.
If the world were static, maybe this point made by Senator Hatch would have merit. But the world is not static. More and more countries have passed laws to facilitate their response to the CRPD. More and more committees are being formed to address specific issues. Just visit the U.N. Enabled website for confirmation (http://tbinternet.ohchr.org/_layouts/TreatyBodyExternal/Countries.aspx?CountryCode=THA&Lang=EN). Disability NGOs are being given a greater say in how money is being spent by governments to improve the condition of persons with disabilities. If the U.S. ratifies the CRPD it will continue to be a player as Senator Hatch suggests. However, if it does not ratify the CRPD, its role and influence will diminish. Why? It comes down to perceived blatant arrogance. Other nations will think the U.S. doesn’t need to sign up, sign on, because the U.S. thinks it has all the answers. The U.S. thinks it can get others to listen, to do what it wants, because of potential financial rewards from U.S. coffers. It is in our national interest to make these perceptions go away.
As you look
around the world and see the range of conflicts, do you think the U.S. has
control? Influence? Perhaps if we were to ratify the CRPD we would discover we do
have influence in new creative ways and bring about some peace.
I truly hope
Senator Hatch finds his way to our side.
Thank you.
Common Grounder