Monday, November 11, 2013

Veterans' Day and the CRPD

I lost a brother, John, in Vietnam. He was 22. The U.S. has a long history of sending brave young people to restore or preserve the freedom of others. We recognize we are part of a world community. We believe in the principles of freedom, liberty, independence, and equal opportunity. We know when these principles are espoused and celebrated the world is a better place. We know the difference between saying something and doing something. It is no wonder that 20 veterans organizations support the ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). To them these principles are tangible and know no boundaries. To them, it is unpatriotic to say the Americans with Disabilities Act is all we need, not the CRPD.

We lose nothing if we ratify the CRPD. However, we gain a great deal. Our friends and allies will breathe a sigh of relief. Our detractors will know we are fully engaged in the business of promoting disability rights everywhere. Our credibility, commitment, and energy will be on display. There will be no doubt about where we stand and what our young military fight for.

For those who oppose the CRPD, please have the willingness to consider and share with those who support the CRPD, words about sovereignty, health care, and parents rights that eliminate your concerns. If you do then we can return to the longstanding bipartisan tradition that has been part of disability policy in the U.S. We can ratify the CRPD with well over 67 votes in the Senate. Vets and many other people are praying and watching to see that vote happen.

Thank you.
Common Grounder

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