It's that time of year again. The U.S. International Council on Disabilities (USICD) is having its annual fund raiser. The details are below. I hope you will buy a ticket and/or sponsor someone else to attend. Each year the event gets bigger and better. This year is no exception. WE PROMISE YOU A GREAT EVENING. Our gala is our principal way of acquiring general operating funds. USICD sees itself as the key source of building connections among and convening those who want to bring concrete, meaningful expressions of disability rights into every corner of the globe; as the how-to platform for training and technical assistance (no problem is too big or small for resolution when it comes to policy development, capacity building, or system change); and as the voice at the table when decisions are being made about economic development and accessibility. Please help us! As president and chair of the Board of Directors, I will be forever grateful for your support of USICD. In these uncertain times when the wrong words do so much harm, the right actions are so needed and so much more powerful. Together we can show the power of good will.
Thank you,

he United States International Council on Disabilities (USICD) will hold its fifth annual fundraising Gala in celebration of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on 6 December from 6:00 - 8:30 pm at the AT&T Forum in Washington, DC!

At our event, USICD will honor leaders of the disability rights movement whose impact has been felt on the international stage-American policymakers are recipients of the Dole-Harkin Award,for distinction in public service to the global disability community, and an overseas
disability rights advocate is honored for his/her outstanding work in advancing the rights, opportunities, and dignity of persons with disabilities.

This year, USICD is delighted to present the Dole-Harkin award, named after Senator Bob Dole and Senator Tom Harkin to Senator John S. McCain III posthumously, and also to Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL).

USICD's International Advocate award will be presented to Rosemary Kayess from Australia who was recently elected to serve on the CRPD Committee. She is an accomplished human rights lawyer, researcher and academic. She is also currently Chair of the Australian Centre for Disability Law and Director of the Disability Innovation Institute at the University of New South Wales.
The annual USICD gala is a spectacular event that brings together disability rights advocates, legislative leaders, new and long-term donors, business and philanthropic leaders, members of the diplomatic corps, and other friends of the disability rights movement.
Contact us to learn about Gala Sponsorship opportunities!
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