Last week I attended the Association of University Centers on Disabilities' annual conference in Washington, D.C. AUCD had a record turnout. And no wonder! People were looking for like-minded colleagues with whom to mourn, given the presidential election results. They fear for the continued availability of federal funds to continue their work.
Sixty-seven Centers belong to AUCD. Their bottom line is a commendable one -- helping individuals with disabilities achieve their full potential and the American dream. The Centers do this through research, training, community-based demonstrations, and dissemination. They maintain a healthy emphasis on interdisciplinary projects and initiatives so that professionals across many disciplines collaborate and develop a common language, making it easier for families with disabled members to get help. They partner with state agencies, State Developmental Disabilities Councils and State Protection and Advocacy Systems to develop policies, procedures, and advocacy that make services systems work better, ensure that rights are protected, and that families and individuals are better equipped to advocate for themselves.
Federal funding for these amazing networks, authorized by the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act should be expanded, period. So tell the Trump Transition Team about them. It needs these details now. Mr. Trump likes things that work.
At the AUCD conference I heard many good presenters, but Neil Romano's really hit home. Neil recommended that we urge the creation of a cabinet level position for a national office on disability program coordination. What a great idea. There are over 140 programs that touch the lives of persons with disabilities. There are multiple, conflicting definitions of disability and eligibility for services. Neil urged us to stop thinking in incremental terms and go big. Well if there was ever the time to do it, now is such a time. Mr. Trump loves big ideas. He will have no problem with us outlining the best way for a big idea to be realized. So let's get to work and lay out a plan for him.
Finally, for many years Presidents have had a disability advisor on the Domestic Policy Council. Unfortunately, this person was usually borrowed and paid for by a federal agency. The position was typically for one year. We need to tell Mr. Trump that we want a disability advisor on the Domestic Policy Council, who is not only qualified, but permanent and paid for out of his staffing funds. With 54 million Americans with disabilities, we have a reason to have our own "ear" on the Domestic Policy Council. We are taxpayers, we are employers and employees, we are family members, we are strong voices who contribute everyday to the vibrancy of American society!
So friends, enough mourning. Now is the time for action. The choice to act or sit back and watch is ours. You know where I stand. Where do you stand?
Thank you.
Common Grounder
Promoting effective engagement related to issues that affect people with disabilities.
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Sunday, November 13, 2016
First Step to Being Smart
On December 1, 2016 is the fundraising gala for the U.S. Council on Disabilities (USICD) at the Chamber of Congress in Washington, D.C. It is a bipartisan celebration of the role USICD plays in promoting disability rights. I am president of USICD. I am so proud of USICD. We acknowledge and celebrate the bipartisan role associated with supporting USICD and like-minded organizations in providing technical assistance to advocacy groups and governments so they create policies that promote universally designed communities around the world.
Here's the link to the details:
Please buy a ticket and come join us. I'll be there, all the way from Hawaii. Yes, I am crazy to leave paradise in December!
Common Grounder
Friday, November 11, 2016
What about Disability Expertise in the Trump Administration?
Historically appointing people to fill political jobs in disability-related positions, regardless of the party who wins a presidential election, takes a long time to fill -- 12 to 18 months on average. On the one hand, that suggests less than optimal status in the food chain. On the other hand, it gives us some time to encourage smart, thoughtful, knowledgeable, and experienced people to apply.
What would President-Elect Trump do related to disability policy? On the one hand, that's a hard question to answer given the scarcity of substantive detail even remotely connected to disability policy or possible initiatives. He has made strong, affirmative statements about assisting vets, so maybe reviewing them will give us some ideas. He has said he would block grant Medicaid, giving states control of it, so perhaps we should invest in strengthening disability advocacy coalitions in individual states. He is all about growing jobs here in America, so whatever mechanisms that emerge to make that happen, people who represent people with disabilities need to be at the table. Perhaps someone needs to tell him that undoing some executive orders related to employment of persons with disabilities would be counter productive. His positions on education matters are not part of a comprehensive plan, but the ones we know about would definitely give states more discretion and control and give parents more choice. Again, strong voices in individual states advocating for the right processes and outcomes will be most necessary.
The things I have identified are not inherently horrific. It's a matter of how they are done. It's a matter of whom President-Elect Trump HIRES to steer the disability ship. I encourage him to hire people who believe, have experience with, and would practice these principles when placed in positions of power:
1. Take a serious look at what is before you attempt to alter it.
2. If you decide ultimately to alter it, get broad input from end-user stakeholders.
3. Don't make things more complicated by always believing 50 ways of doing something is better than one way of doing something.
4. Protect with strong conviction the disability rights laws that are on the books.
If you believe and practice these principles, you are someone President-Elect Trump could use in his administration. You could do a lot of good. The worse that could happen is that he would fire you or you would quit. But, before that you could shape things in ways that would pay off for people with disabilities. Doing so, even only for a while, would be worth it.
Common Grounder
What would President-Elect Trump do related to disability policy? On the one hand, that's a hard question to answer given the scarcity of substantive detail even remotely connected to disability policy or possible initiatives. He has made strong, affirmative statements about assisting vets, so maybe reviewing them will give us some ideas. He has said he would block grant Medicaid, giving states control of it, so perhaps we should invest in strengthening disability advocacy coalitions in individual states. He is all about growing jobs here in America, so whatever mechanisms that emerge to make that happen, people who represent people with disabilities need to be at the table. Perhaps someone needs to tell him that undoing some executive orders related to employment of persons with disabilities would be counter productive. His positions on education matters are not part of a comprehensive plan, but the ones we know about would definitely give states more discretion and control and give parents more choice. Again, strong voices in individual states advocating for the right processes and outcomes will be most necessary.
The things I have identified are not inherently horrific. It's a matter of how they are done. It's a matter of whom President-Elect Trump HIRES to steer the disability ship. I encourage him to hire people who believe, have experience with, and would practice these principles when placed in positions of power:
1. Take a serious look at what is before you attempt to alter it.
2. If you decide ultimately to alter it, get broad input from end-user stakeholders.
3. Don't make things more complicated by always believing 50 ways of doing something is better than one way of doing something.
4. Protect with strong conviction the disability rights laws that are on the books.
If you believe and practice these principles, you are someone President-Elect Trump could use in his administration. You could do a lot of good. The worse that could happen is that he would fire you or you would quit. But, before that you could shape things in ways that would pay off for people with disabilities. Doing so, even only for a while, would be worth it.
Common Grounder
Monday, November 7, 2016
Time to Choose
The key word in this election is change. How you view it. How you define it. How you think it will happen. What will result because of it.
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump agree on one thing -- they each pronounce that they will bring about the change that everyone needs and wants. Of course, that is debatable. Some things are critical -- They each need a Congress with which they can work. They each need a nine-person bench on the Supreme Court. They each need smart people around them who can get things done. They each need to avoid non-productive distractions.
I own property in Virginia so I voted by absentee ballot. What did I weigh in reaching my decision?
What is most important -- experience in or out of government?
What is most helpful -- experience negotiating based on facts and a sense of desirable outcomes or negotiating using raw power and all that comes with it?
What is most essential -- knowing how to prepare for the anticipated and the unanticipated or having people around you, you think have the answers because you picked them and you are good at that?
What should be done with health care -- correct a flawed system or start over?
What should be done about the economy -- let it flourish naturally or tick off every company that has business overseas?
What should be done about education -- listen and build consensus before acting or close the Department of Education?
What should be done about security -- recognize where we are and document it for the American people or start shutting out people, shrink our ally pool, and eliminate ISIS in all the countries it resides, using brute force.
I want to wake up the day after the inauguration with a president that supports the Constitution, cares about people and their circumstances, cuts deals within the law, has learned from past mistakes, knows how to react to criticism as a mature adult, and has canceled her Twitter account.
Common Grounder
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump agree on one thing -- they each pronounce that they will bring about the change that everyone needs and wants. Of course, that is debatable. Some things are critical -- They each need a Congress with which they can work. They each need a nine-person bench on the Supreme Court. They each need smart people around them who can get things done. They each need to avoid non-productive distractions.
I own property in Virginia so I voted by absentee ballot. What did I weigh in reaching my decision?
What is most important -- experience in or out of government?
What is most helpful -- experience negotiating based on facts and a sense of desirable outcomes or negotiating using raw power and all that comes with it?
What is most essential -- knowing how to prepare for the anticipated and the unanticipated or having people around you, you think have the answers because you picked them and you are good at that?
What should be done with health care -- correct a flawed system or start over?
What should be done about the economy -- let it flourish naturally or tick off every company that has business overseas?
What should be done about education -- listen and build consensus before acting or close the Department of Education?
What should be done about security -- recognize where we are and document it for the American people or start shutting out people, shrink our ally pool, and eliminate ISIS in all the countries it resides, using brute force.
I want to wake up the day after the inauguration with a president that supports the Constitution, cares about people and their circumstances, cuts deals within the law, has learned from past mistakes, knows how to react to criticism as a mature adult, and has canceled her Twitter account.
Common Grounder
Saturday, November 5, 2016
What Is One Thing That Could Help You Decide Your Vote on Tuesday?
Getting rid of gridlock in the Senate, maybe? We have the power to change things, friends. Let me offer an example -- Many of us worked for ratification of the disability rights treaty, the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) by the Senate. In December 2012, the last time the treaty was brought up for a vote, we lost by 6 votes. We needed 67, not 51, to secure ratification of the treaty.
In the new Congress, that will take over in January 2017, we will once again try to get the treaty ratified by the Senate. The first step will be the treaty being voted on by of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. In every day language, ratification means something is a good idea, so let's do it. Voting for ratification means a senator likes the idea. Voting against ratification means a senator doesn't like it. The House of Representatives has no role in treaty ratification.
All Democrat senators voted for ratification of the CRPD in 2012.
Well, as it happens, several Republicans up for re-election are on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. In 2012 some of these senators voted for the disability treaty -- McCain (AZ) and Kirk (IL). Some did not -- Rubio (FL), Paul (KY), and Johnson (WI). So we need to see that ANYONE who supported ratification gets our vote if we live in that state.
Twenty-four incumbent Republicans are up for re-election. Here are the Republican senators, up for re-election, who voted for the disability treaty in 2012 -- Ayotte (NH), Kirk (IL), McCain (AZ), and Murkowski (AK). Republican Senator Collins (ME), not up for re-election this year, voted for the treaty. Three other Republican senators, no longer in the Senate, also voted for the treaty -- Brown (MA), Snow (ME), and Lugar (IN). Bottom line of this historical snapshot is the treaty failed to be ratified by a vote of 61 to 38. A majority voted for it, but not enough; 67 was the magic number.
So, why rehash all of this? If candidates support policies that affirm the rights of persons with disabilities, then chances are that they care about people generally and will work across party lines to make things better for all Americans. If we all were to vote on Tuesday for candidates who support the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, it is highly likely the Senate in 2017 would be made up of people who oppose gridlock and want to address and resolve challenges faced by the American people. If you vote for someone who supports the disability rights treaty, you are not a single issue voter, you are a smart voter who will help vanquish gridlock in the Senate.
Thank you.
Common Grounder
In the new Congress, that will take over in January 2017, we will once again try to get the treaty ratified by the Senate. The first step will be the treaty being voted on by of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. In every day language, ratification means something is a good idea, so let's do it. Voting for ratification means a senator likes the idea. Voting against ratification means a senator doesn't like it. The House of Representatives has no role in treaty ratification.
All Democrat senators voted for ratification of the CRPD in 2012.
Well, as it happens, several Republicans up for re-election are on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. In 2012 some of these senators voted for the disability treaty -- McCain (AZ) and Kirk (IL). Some did not -- Rubio (FL), Paul (KY), and Johnson (WI). So we need to see that ANYONE who supported ratification gets our vote if we live in that state.
Twenty-four incumbent Republicans are up for re-election. Here are the Republican senators, up for re-election, who voted for the disability treaty in 2012 -- Ayotte (NH), Kirk (IL), McCain (AZ), and Murkowski (AK). Republican Senator Collins (ME), not up for re-election this year, voted for the treaty. Three other Republican senators, no longer in the Senate, also voted for the treaty -- Brown (MA), Snow (ME), and Lugar (IN). Bottom line of this historical snapshot is the treaty failed to be ratified by a vote of 61 to 38. A majority voted for it, but not enough; 67 was the magic number.
So, why rehash all of this? If candidates support policies that affirm the rights of persons with disabilities, then chances are that they care about people generally and will work across party lines to make things better for all Americans. If we all were to vote on Tuesday for candidates who support the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, it is highly likely the Senate in 2017 would be made up of people who oppose gridlock and want to address and resolve challenges faced by the American people. If you vote for someone who supports the disability rights treaty, you are not a single issue voter, you are a smart voter who will help vanquish gridlock in the Senate.
Thank you.
Common Grounder
Saturday, October 22, 2016
You Still Have Time to Request and Submit an Absentee Ballot in Most States
Every presidential election is a big deal. But this one, my friends, is a zinger! The contrasts between the two major candidates are stark. The mud that's being thrown makes many wonder, what an embarrassment, what a choice. But the fact of the matter is one of them -- Hillary or Donald -- is going to win. So don't you dare not vote just because you are disgusted or upset. This is not the year to sit one out.
One option that is still out there is to vote by absentee ballot. I counted -- most states are still accepting requests for absentee ballots. Most states allow you to make a request on line. Most states' criteria for voting absentee are easy to understand and reasonable. This information ( should be especially useful for people, including some with disabilities, who are not sure if or how they will get to the polls on Election Day, November 8, 2016.
Please check out your state. Please consider the absentee ballot option if you are unsure of a ride on Election Day. This is one year when EVERY VOTE WILL COUNT big time. Anyone, who is eligible to vote and doesn't, is saying they don't care about their future or the future of the rest of us. We need the biggest turnout ever so everyone knows where the USA stands. We need clarity. We need direction. Then, we can work on finding common ground and a prosperous future for all.
Common Grounder
One option that is still out there is to vote by absentee ballot. I counted -- most states are still accepting requests for absentee ballots. Most states allow you to make a request on line. Most states' criteria for voting absentee are easy to understand and reasonable. This information ( should be especially useful for people, including some with disabilities, who are not sure if or how they will get to the polls on Election Day, November 8, 2016.
Please check out your state. Please consider the absentee ballot option if you are unsure of a ride on Election Day. This is one year when EVERY VOTE WILL COUNT big time. Anyone, who is eligible to vote and doesn't, is saying they don't care about their future or the future of the rest of us. We need the biggest turnout ever so everyone knows where the USA stands. We need clarity. We need direction. Then, we can work on finding common ground and a prosperous future for all.
Common Grounder
Friday, October 21, 2016
On Election Day Think Like an Uber Driver, Help Your Contacts with Disabilities Get to the Polls
I moved to Waikiki in August of this year. I am now the Director of the Center on Disability Studies at the University of Hawaii, Manoa. It is a very rewarding job. I get to interact with people who do all sorts of things to help the people of Hawaii lead fuller lives and achieve their potential in paradise -- individuals with disabilities of all ages, Native Hawaiian children, parents, and leaders in state agencies.
Another amazing thing that has happened to me is that I met an Uber driver, who has become my friend. He can collapse and open my electric scooter and put it in and out of his trunk with lightening speed. He did it on my first ride. He is always available and always on time. We talk about everything, including how to solve the world's problems. He has made transportation a non-problem (Is there such a word?) for me.
Transportation is a big deal, especially when you need it and don't have it. Election Day is November 8th. It is a holiday. Everyone who reads this post and has a car consider giving someone with a disability, perhaps more than one person, a ride to the polls. Also, consider helping them with the voting process if they need it. Workers at the polls have become very attuned to accessibility and reasonable accommodations in the last 15 years. Most polling places have procedures that allow one person to help another.
Pundits are speculating about voter turnout out. Let's help set a record. We can. We should. The United States of America needs it. And who knows, you might make or strengthen a friendship.
I'm back.
Common Grounder
Another amazing thing that has happened to me is that I met an Uber driver, who has become my friend. He can collapse and open my electric scooter and put it in and out of his trunk with lightening speed. He did it on my first ride. He is always available and always on time. We talk about everything, including how to solve the world's problems. He has made transportation a non-problem (Is there such a word?) for me.
Transportation is a big deal, especially when you need it and don't have it. Election Day is November 8th. It is a holiday. Everyone who reads this post and has a car consider giving someone with a disability, perhaps more than one person, a ride to the polls. Also, consider helping them with the voting process if they need it. Workers at the polls have become very attuned to accessibility and reasonable accommodations in the last 15 years. Most polling places have procedures that allow one person to help another.
Pundits are speculating about voter turnout out. Let's help set a record. We can. We should. The United States of America needs it. And who knows, you might make or strengthen a friendship.
I'm back.
Common Grounder
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Invest in Inclusion Internationally
As some of you know I am the president of the U.S. International Council on Disabilities (USICD). On Friday I sent an e-mail message to USICD members. Today through this blog post, I am sharing it with you in the hope that you will join Project Triple I. Project Triple I is asking congressional leaders who decide on appropriations for the U.S. State Department and the U.S. Agency for
International Development (USAID) to include money for disability inclusion in the year 2017 budget which begins on October 1, 2016.
I am asking you to help in convincing 27 members of Congress (15
Senators and 12 Representatives) from 22 states to do something that is greatly
needed for citizens with disabilities around the world. These members of Congress
serve on either the Senate or House Appropriations Subcommittee on State,
Foreign Operations and Related Programs. We want these subcommittees
Give the office of
the USAID disability coordinator funding for six new professional staff and $10
million to support initiatives to foster and create greater inclusion of
persons with disabilities in community development and for advancement of
disability rights around
the world.
The disability
coordinator position has been vacant since December 2014. Even then, the
coordinator was on loan from the World Bank and had no budget or staff. So our request is an attempt to repair a case of significant neglect.
Give the Office of
the International Disability Rights Advisor in the State Department funding for
six new professional staff and $10 million to support initiatives to foster and
create greater inclusion of persons with disabilities in their communities and
for their advancement of disability rights around the world.
Currently, the
Advisor and one professional staff are able to pursue this work only with
contributions from other units in the State Department and with staff from
these units lent to them temporarily. We seek a new approach:
adequate capacity (real money and staff) in these offices through appropriations in order for the U.S. to have a broader, smarter, sustained positive impact on the lives of people with disabilities, a greater ability to share our experience and expertise in disability rights.
The only
way our requests will gain traction is if those of you from the states in the
chart below contact your member(s) of Congress and ask them to support the idea as
their subcommittees develop appropriation bills.
USICD in May 2016
has written to seven key members on the Appropriations Committees asking for
funding for both offices. This was the first step. We contacted:
· Republican Sen. Thad Cochran, Chair of
the full Senate Appropriations Committee (SC)
· Sen. Barbara Mikulski, Ranking Democrat
on the full Senate Appropriations Committee (MD)
· Republican Rep. Harold Rogers, Chair of
the full House Appropriations Committee (KY)
· Rep. Nita Lowey, Ranking Democrat on the
full House Appropriations Committee (NY) and on the House subcommittee that
funds the State Department
· Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, Chair of
the Senate subcommittee that funds the State Department (SC)
· Sen. Patrick Leahy, Ranking Democrat on
the Senate subcommittee that funds the State Department (VT)
· Republican Rep. Kay Granger, Chair of the
House subcommittee that funds the State Department (TX)
The next
step is for each of these seven leaders to hear from constituents
directly, and for all members of the two subcommittees to hear from their constituents directly. With volume, the committees are more likely to seriously
consider our requests and to include them in the appropriations bills.
These key members need to hear from constituents now.
We have
developed talking points to help you approach these important members. Contact Andrea Shettle,,
if you would like a copy of either the Senate or House talking points or both sets of talking
points. Please let Andrea know the state in which you live. Or, if
you do not live in one of the targeted states, please consider friends or
relatives in targeted states who you could convince to help.
This is a
time sensitive matter. If you are willing to help, now is the time to do it!
Key Members
of Congress for Contact
(Boozman, R)
(Lee, D)
(Murphy, D)
(Coons, D)
(Diaz-Belart, R; Crenshaw, R, Rooney, R; Wasserman-Schultz, D)
(Durbin, D; Kirk, D)
(Moran, R)
(McConnell, R)
Rogers, R)
(Mikulski, D)
(Ruppersberger, D)
(Chochan, R)
(Blunt, R)
(Daines, R)
(Fortenberry, R)
Hampshire (Shaheen, D)
New York
(Lowey, D; Serrano, D)
(Lankford, R)
(Merkley, D)
(Dent, R)
(Granger, R)
Carolina (Graham, R)
(Stewart, R)
(Leahy, D)
Please remember: if you
do not live in one of the targeted states, you may have a friend or friends who
do. Please invite them to join the project and have them reach out to
Andrea, or let Andrea know to whom to send the talking points (
Thank you,
Common Grounder
Invest in Inclusion
Monday, April 4, 2016
Wisconsin Voters: Vote with your brain tomorrow, vote for John Kasich
I'm a political junkie. I love presidential campaigns.
Initially, I thought I was really going to love this one. Not anymore. Serious issues have not received the time
they deserve. Difference in style dominate verbal space. Debasement has become
an acceptable tool to hurl at opponents. Lying or accusing others of it has
become commonplace.
The one candidate who has not taken the bait to participate
in the new underbelly of campaigning is John Kasich. The most recent statement
made about him by Donald Trump, the king of the new order, is that he, John
Kasich, should get out of the presidential race because he’s taking votes away
from Donald Trump. Well, that’s one reason you may want to consider voting for
John Kasich tomorrow.
Here are a few more. He has a public record associated with
results that are bipartisan and smart. He recognizes problems and works with
others in a collegial manner to solve them. He has been involved in addressing
all of the issues that concern most Americans: national security, smart fiscal
policies, expanding job opportunities, improving access to healthcare, and
offering quality education to children.
Throughout most of this campaign we have been distracted,
entertained, shocked, confused, and disappointed by what we’ve heard from most
candidates, but not what we’ve heard from John Kasich. His style is gentle. His compassion is real. What
he says we understand the first time he says it. His promises can be delivered.
His relationships with members of Congress are long-standing,
bipartisan, tested, and durable. He is a realist. He is a pragmatist. Yet, he finds the
quickest, smartest paths to solutions that people want and support.
If you’re like me you’re tired of bling, threats,
negativity, obstructionism, doom and gloom, and lack of the right kind of
executive experience and knowledge of how government works. I want America to
be great. I want a strong economy. I want Congress to accomplish things for us.
I want the Supreme Court to protect our Constitution and civil rights. I want
us to be safe and smart about keeping us that way. I truly believe the John
Kasich is the only person in the race who can make sure these things are part
of our future. Everyone else in the presidential race has too
much baggage that will negatively affect their ability to deliver, no matter how-well intentioned they are.
Tomorrow those of you in Wisconsin have the opportunity to
send a very important message to the rest of the country – John Kasich is the
only one who can achieve the change that everyone is looking for.
Thank you.
Common Grounder
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Beyond Trump: A Webinar to Sharpen Your Engagement with Those Running for Office This Year, All of Them
The cable news channels are saturated with Trump-related news. Print media and other TV channels are also seeking rating heaven by tracking his every utterance and what his competitors are responding. There is no doubt he is a one-of-a-kind phenomenon, or at least I hope so.
What will we do when the dust settles? I hope, recognize that there are many other people running for elective office -- 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 33 Seats in the Senate are up for grabs this year. Now is the time to learn about these OTHER candidates and engage them. Make them an ally early on things that are important to you.
I am president of the U.S. international Council on Disabilities (USICD). I have agreed to do a webinar for USICD, "Engaging Politicians: High Impact Strategies for Individuals with Disabilities & Their Advocates".
In this one-hour web-based lecture, I offer a little history and strategies for exercising your civic-minded muscles -- what to do, how to do it, and how to judge your success. The webinar will focus on goal setting, messaging, organizing, and assessing your becoming a force for disability rights, not only here but around the world. The webinar will be held at 3:00-4:00 pm East Coast time on Tuesday, March 22, 2016.
For those new to my blog, my career includes stints in both the public and private sector. I worked for the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions for five years and worked for the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Education and Labor for seven years. During those times I played a central role in the drafting of major disability legislation ranging from the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997, to the Assistive Technology Act of 1998, to the Ticket to Work and Work Incentive Improvement Act of 1999, the Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 (ADA), and more.
I have also served as a consultant to Fortune 200 companies on ADA compliance and was a member of the U.S. Delegation to a United Nations while it drafted the Convention on Civil Rights for Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).
To register here's the link:
By June we should know who the presidential front runners are. Why not use the time between now and then to refresh our knowledge of our congressional candidates and develop plans for engaging them as individuals and through organizations in which we are members. One step in the preparation process is my webinar. It costs $50, which will help USICD expand its work overseas. With your $50 you receive a one-membership to USICD. If you are already a member, you can pass it on to someone else as a gift. The membership is worth $25.
I look forward to your joining me on March 22, at 3 PM (EDT). There are a limited number of slots, so please register today!
Thank you,
Common Grounder
What will we do when the dust settles? I hope, recognize that there are many other people running for elective office -- 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 33 Seats in the Senate are up for grabs this year. Now is the time to learn about these OTHER candidates and engage them. Make them an ally early on things that are important to you.
I am president of the U.S. international Council on Disabilities (USICD). I have agreed to do a webinar for USICD, "Engaging Politicians: High Impact Strategies for Individuals with Disabilities & Their Advocates".
In this one-hour web-based lecture, I offer a little history and strategies for exercising your civic-minded muscles -- what to do, how to do it, and how to judge your success. The webinar will focus on goal setting, messaging, organizing, and assessing your becoming a force for disability rights, not only here but around the world. The webinar will be held at 3:00-4:00 pm East Coast time on Tuesday, March 22, 2016.
For those new to my blog, my career includes stints in both the public and private sector. I worked for the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions for five years and worked for the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Education and Labor for seven years. During those times I played a central role in the drafting of major disability legislation ranging from the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997, to the Assistive Technology Act of 1998, to the Ticket to Work and Work Incentive Improvement Act of 1999, the Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 (ADA), and more.
I have also served as a consultant to Fortune 200 companies on ADA compliance and was a member of the U.S. Delegation to a United Nations while it drafted the Convention on Civil Rights for Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).
To register here's the link:
By June we should know who the presidential front runners are. Why not use the time between now and then to refresh our knowledge of our congressional candidates and develop plans for engaging them as individuals and through organizations in which we are members. One step in the preparation process is my webinar. It costs $50, which will help USICD expand its work overseas. With your $50 you receive a one-membership to USICD. If you are already a member, you can pass it on to someone else as a gift. The membership is worth $25.
I look forward to your joining me on March 22, at 3 PM (EDT). There are a limited number of slots, so please register today!
Thank you,
Common Grounder
Sunday, January 31, 2016
The Question that Has Yet Been Asked of Presidential Candidates
We have been given many examples of policies candidates would implement if elected president. I come down on the side of those who have had executive experience in government.
The question I would like somebody to ask every candidate is this – Since the president has limited power to do things unilaterally and since we cannot assume or predict the makeup of the House and Senate, how would you get the Congress to support the policies you have proposed if you do not have a safe majority of those that agree with you in Congress?
Strong rhetoric doesn't guarantee any new policy will be embraced by a new Congress. We need a president who has experience in negotiating his or her way to a desired outcome. We need a president with experience and success with interacting with others who have leverage on their side equal to the president. I spent many years working in the Executive and Congressionl branches of the Federal Government. I saw that facts, the right timing, respect for other, integrity, reason, and persuasion were very important traits to have and practice. My time in government also taught me, change in and by government takes a ton of time. Government is like a battleship. It turns in new directions, but ever so slowly. We need a president that understands how government works, appreciates the importance of allies and support, and understands that opposition cannot be ignored or dismissed, but must be worked with to find common ground.
All candidates are right about one thing, we cannot afford a president who will need to spend 18 months learning how two branches of government work and work together.
I hope those of you who are the first to say who the presidential candidates will be will think about my comments. A lot is at stake. The good news is that many people understand that this time around and are engaged.
Thank you.
Common Grounder
The question I would like somebody to ask every candidate is this – Since the president has limited power to do things unilaterally and since we cannot assume or predict the makeup of the House and Senate, how would you get the Congress to support the policies you have proposed if you do not have a safe majority of those that agree with you in Congress?
Strong rhetoric doesn't guarantee any new policy will be embraced by a new Congress. We need a president who has experience in negotiating his or her way to a desired outcome. We need a president with experience and success with interacting with others who have leverage on their side equal to the president. I spent many years working in the Executive and Congressionl branches of the Federal Government. I saw that facts, the right timing, respect for other, integrity, reason, and persuasion were very important traits to have and practice. My time in government also taught me, change in and by government takes a ton of time. Government is like a battleship. It turns in new directions, but ever so slowly. We need a president that understands how government works, appreciates the importance of allies and support, and understands that opposition cannot be ignored or dismissed, but must be worked with to find common ground.
All candidates are right about one thing, we cannot afford a president who will need to spend 18 months learning how two branches of government work and work together.
I hope those of you who are the first to say who the presidential candidates will be will think about my comments. A lot is at stake. The good news is that many people understand that this time around and are engaged.
Thank you.
Common Grounder
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Getting Ahead of the Curve: Let's Make Ukrainian Orphans A Priority in Senate Aid Package
I have learned that the Senate Foreign Relations Committee is working on an aid package for Ukraine. I went looking for some information about it on the committee's website and found nothing. Nonetheless, I trust my sources and see this as an opportunity for us to get ahead of the curve. I am sure that Ukraine could use aid for many things. But there's one thing I know from my friend, Eric Rosenthal, Executive Director of Disability Rights International ( There are 200,000 orphans in the Ukraine. They are not in communities. They are not in foster homes. They are in institutions and sometimes these institutions are in unsafe areas. Guess what can happen to these children when they reach 18? They can become trafficking victims, and if they are disabled, they can be placed in another institution for adults. A horrible future for these kids, wouldn't you say?
Believe it or not, the hits on this blog are reaching 20,000. Amazing. Equally amazing is the fact that I have some viewers from Ukraine and Russia, approximating 30 hits a week. My friend Eric and his colleagues have developed a proposal, recommending $19 million in aid to help Ukraine prepare for and integrate orphans, especially those with disabilities, into safe communities. Just think what that would mean to and for those dear, young people.
I am very optimistic about the chances of the proposal making it into the Senate Ukraine aid package. Both Republicans and Democrats endorse U.S. aid for Ukraine, so the proposal should receive bipartisan support. But, members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, especially Senator Corker (TN, 202.224.4651, corker@senate. gov), the Chairman, and Senator Cardin (MD, 202.224.4524,, the ranking Democrat on the committee, need to hear from us about our support for the proposal.
If the text of the proposal makes it into the aid package, then it will be a slam dunk at the committee mark up. Please weigh in and let committee members know of your support. Here's a list of other committee members. If you are from one of their states be assured they will consider your recommendation. And, if many of us contact these Senators, they will heed our advice.
Risch (Idaho)
Rubio (FL)
Johnson (WI)
Flake (AZ)
Gardner (CO)
Perdue (GA)
Isakson (GA)
Paul (KY)
Barrasso (WY)
Boxer (CA)
Menendez (NJ)
Shaheen (NH)
Coons (DE)
Udall (NM)
Murphy (CN)
Kaine (VA)
Markey (MA)
Opportunities like this do not come along every day. Think about the children, then act.
Thank you.
Common Grounder
Believe it or not, the hits on this blog are reaching 20,000. Amazing. Equally amazing is the fact that I have some viewers from Ukraine and Russia, approximating 30 hits a week. My friend Eric and his colleagues have developed a proposal, recommending $19 million in aid to help Ukraine prepare for and integrate orphans, especially those with disabilities, into safe communities. Just think what that would mean to and for those dear, young people.
I am very optimistic about the chances of the proposal making it into the Senate Ukraine aid package. Both Republicans and Democrats endorse U.S. aid for Ukraine, so the proposal should receive bipartisan support. But, members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, especially Senator Corker (TN, 202.224.4651, corker@senate. gov), the Chairman, and Senator Cardin (MD, 202.224.4524,, the ranking Democrat on the committee, need to hear from us about our support for the proposal.
If the text of the proposal makes it into the aid package, then it will be a slam dunk at the committee mark up. Please weigh in and let committee members know of your support. Here's a list of other committee members. If you are from one of their states be assured they will consider your recommendation. And, if many of us contact these Senators, they will heed our advice.
Risch (Idaho)
Rubio (FL)
Johnson (WI)
Flake (AZ)
Gardner (CO)
Perdue (GA)
Isakson (GA)
Paul (KY)
Barrasso (WY)
Boxer (CA)
Menendez (NJ)
Shaheen (NH)
Coons (DE)
Udall (NM)
Murphy (CN)
Kaine (VA)
Markey (MA)
Opportunities like this do not come along every day. Think about the children, then act.
Thank you.
Common Grounder
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Now Is the Time to Shape the Policies of the Next President that will Affect People with Disabilities and Their Families
There are many people out there who are tired of the campaigning for president, want to wait until the dust settles, and we are down to two viable candidates. I understand that. However, the policies of candidates are being shaped right now. As particular candidates become more confident, they will speak about and refine their policies that have traction -- first among their supporters, among independents, and among the general electorate. They are not going to wait till those, who are not engaged, tune in. If each of us does not weigh in with candidates of our choice now, issues we care about may not show up as policy papers on candidates' websites, and worse, policies that are counter to what we want, will. Right now the cement is being mixed, to use a graphic analogy, your hand print won't take, once the concrete hardens.
Read my last post. Tweet your preferred candidate(s). Let them know you care. Let them know about things you know about that work. Let them know about things that need to be fixed, such as the employment rate, access to appropriate health care, effective transition options from school to adult life, safety, affordable housing, and other things related to achieving the American dream. LET THEM KNOW YOU ARE PAYING ATTENTION. Democracy is a messing business, but it won't be or become what we want it to be if we wait till the last minute to become engaged. Disability rights, equal opportunity and much more are at stake.
Thank you..
Read my last post. Tweet your preferred candidate(s). Let them know you care. Let them know about things you know about that work. Let them know about things that need to be fixed, such as the employment rate, access to appropriate health care, effective transition options from school to adult life, safety, affordable housing, and other things related to achieving the American dream. LET THEM KNOW YOU ARE PAYING ATTENTION. Democracy is a messing business, but it won't be or become what we want it to be if we wait till the last minute to become engaged. Disability rights, equal opportunity and much more are at stake.
Thank you..
Saturday, January 16, 2016
One way to connect with presidential candidates now
I have it on good authority that most campaigns are now working on their disability platform – what they're going to say and do about how to help Americans with with disabilities to achieve the American dream. A quick way to have a direct impact on these platforms is to tweet candidates of your choice with a link to a successful initiative or program that you know about. It could be in the area of employment, healthcare, education, housing, transportation, exercise and nutrition, prison reform, police training, assistive technology, internships or anything else you know about. It doesn't matter what the topic is. The important thing is to contact campaigns and educate them about what is working. And, if they get elected, there is a high likelihood we will see this great idea promoted by the new president. Just think, if you sent your favorite candidate(s) a link a day to a great idea, they would have 15 great ideas to put in their platform and share with us BEFORE the Iowa caucuses on February 1.
To save you time, here are the Twitter account names for current candidates:
Bush. @JebBush
Carson. @RealBenCarson
Christie. @ChrisChristie
Clinton. @HillaryClinton
Cruz. @TedCruz
Fiorina. @CarlyFiorina
Huckabee. @GovMikeHuckabee
Kasich. @JohnKasich
O'Malley @MartinOMalley
Paul. @RandPaul
Rubio. @marcorubio
Sanders. @BernieSanders
Santorum. @RickSantorum
Trump. @realDonaldTrump
So let's get tweeting, shall we?
Thank you.
Common Grounder
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