Friday, October 17, 2014

A Personal Point of Privilege

This morning I was elected president of the U.S. International Council on Disabilities. Here are my acceptance remarks...

Thank you for this honor. I know I have assumed a great and important responsibility. I would like to make three points.

First, I think a leader should be practical, realistic, and a problem solver. I am those things.

Second, goals are important. I looking forward to building upon USICD past and current  efforts. Long term financial stability, expanded partnerships with young people, organizations, and government, and sustained visibility for USICD in all disability rights campaigns and initiatives are the goals in which I have a special interest.

Third, in my experience, the things that lead to success are a willingness to lay the ground work, use effective communication strategies, and invest in consensus building.

Thank you for this special opportunity.

I hope you will join USICD if you are not a member and consider attending USICD's gala in December. For details visit

Pat Morrissey

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